Just A Thought...

The purpose of my blog is to share a few of my thoughts with you. This idea came after having a deep discussion with my daughter one day. She felt that I had a gift worth sharing with you and suggested I start my own blog. So I'm not here to judge anyone or tell you how to live your life, I just want to give you something positive to think about in an attempt to uplift you while you may be going through. "May you live as long as you like and have all you like as long as you live." ~Anonymous

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ephesians 2

I got excited this morning during my prayer time with the Lord. He directed me to Ephesians 2. I have read this scripture so many times but this morning it exploded inside of me. I literally saw why the saints were not experiencing the true riches of God. I said to the Lord, we are missing the whole point of salvation. Paul said we are saved through grace. We don't deserve salvation no more than anyone else. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.(Ephesians 2:4-7) These scriptures blessed me this morning. They showed me a part of our Christian walk that we are totally missing. We have been raised up together with Christ. We are sitting with Christ in the heavenly places. He saved us to bless us. He has given us divine partnership in His kingdom. He wants us to work with Him. We were not saved by grace just to go to heaven. We were saved because God wants us to work with Him in saving the lost. He wants to show us His kindness. What a benefit for partnering with God. The people in the world will never change if they see us broke, busted, and disgusted. They have to see "how serving God" will benefit them. If you are sick, broke, life falling apart, and always having a bad day, guess what, the sinner will not serve your God. Operate like Jesus operated. Take thou authority. He gave us authority over the enemy. Luke 10:19 We have to value our partnership with Christ and obey His commands. He loves His children and wants the best for us. He wants to openly show us off to the world. Jesus was our example. God wants us to operate like Jesus did on the earth. He needs your cooperation to bless you so you can bless others. Accept the fact that you are seated with Him in the heavenly places. You have kingdom rights. Satan is defeated. YOU ARE BLESSED!!! Receive your blessings today. Christ and you are joint heirs. What Christ has and what he has done is what you have and what you should be doing. As He is, so are we in this world.(1John 4;17b) Get a revelation of Ephesians 2. Just a thought....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A praise will do it every time

I often tell people when they are going through to praise God. Praising God is the answer because it invites God into the situation. He doesn't handle pity parties too well. He definitely hates the complaining. He wants us to praise Him. David tells us to bless the Lord at all times.(Psalm 34:1) I wanted to ask David what was he thinking. It is hard to praise God when everything around you is falling apart. Anybody can praise Him when things are going well. It takes a real trooper to praise in Him during the difficult times. But that is really when we need to praise Him the most. The greater the battle the greater the praise. Satan wants you focusing on the battle instead of on your Father. He despises your praise. He knows it is a weapon against him. He wants to keep you in bondage. He knows if you ever get a revelation of praise, it will bless your socks off. Praise is a bondage breaker. Look at the story of Leah in Genesis 29. Leah went through the bondage of hatred and rejection. Her husband, Jacob, did not love her nor did he choose her. Her father arranged the marriage through deceit. What a situation to be in? First of all, a marriage of deceit then bearing three children for a man with no love for her. Can you imagine her pain? She was devastated when she should have been celebrated. Jacob's heart never changed toward Leah even though she had him three sons. Leah had to do something different. She made a decision to praise her God. God always come through!! He rewarded her with a fourth son which she named Praise(Judah). What a gift! A gift called Praise. You have the same gift on the inside of you. Use is it the next time trouble comes your way. Let's learn from Leah. She was delivered through her praise. Praising God is one of the weapons needed to defeat the enemy. It opens the door for God to fight for us.(2Chronicles 20:21) Remember what I said earlier, a praise will do it every time!!! Less complaining and more praising. Just a thought...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another thought

I was just thinking about my earlier blog. The only way we are to receive the "good thing" in Psalm 84:11 is to get in position. We must walk upright, follow God's voice, and obey. This is not the time to faint. We have come to a fork in the road where we mustn't turn back. We have to keep the faith. God wants us blessed. He said that we are blessed through Abraham. The problem is not with God. It is with us. The question I want to pose to you today is "Are you ready to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams?" He wants to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20 Good things are being released at this very moment. Get in position!!! God wants you blessed!!! Just a thought....

Just A Thought...: something good is about to happen

something good is about to happen

My mother called about ten minutes ago and said something good is about to happen. I told her that I received it. I know in my knower that something good is about to happen. We are getting ready to experience some of the greatest miracles in our lives. In the midst of all our storms, there is a rainbow. If you can get through the storms of life, you will be able to enjoy the rainbow. The rainbow is there whether you see it or not. I want to impress upon each of you to really search for the rainbow. I don't care how cloudy things may be right now. There is a rainbow. The rainbow symbolizes God's covenant with us. In Revelation, God even has a rainbow over His throne. He wants us to know that He does keep His promises. We just have to trust His Word enough to know that the sun will shine again. He told us in Psalm 84:11 that He would withhold no good things from them that walk upright.(emphasis mine) No good thing--WOW! As Christians, we have been satisfied with just getting by. The world is enjoying all the good things while we are struggling. I am ready for "the something good is about to happen" to come to pass. Don't get me wrong. I am blessed. I am not complaining. But there is a place in God that's even greater than where I am now. I want to see my family blessed beyond measure. I want to see my neighbors blessed beyond measure. I want to see my friends blessed beyond measure. We must go beyond where we are now and step into the fullness of God's blessing. God has some gooood things waiting on us. I got excited about that word and wanted to share it. I fully expect it to come to pass in my life. Start expecting it too! Just a thought....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven." I want to emphasize the word "season". A season comes in intervals. They change every three months. You may not change with the seasons but they do change. Have you seen people wearing summer clothes in the winter? Or wearing winter clothes in the summer? I have and it makes me wonder what's wrong with them. Are they not aware that they are in the wrong season. Hmmm. What season are you in? Are you still struggling with a broken heart? Do you want a new job but fear has kept you back? Are you still dealing with a marriage or relationship that has been over? Are you waiting on a promise from God? What is keeping you from moving from one season of life to the next? These are questions that only you can answer. Some of us will not let time heal our wounds. We will not let time bring about a change. We are stagnated. God wants to bless us but we have tied His hands. I am not blasting anyone. I have been in a season of deep despair. I didn't have a clue how to get out. All I wanted to do was give up. But God!! He had a plan for my life. A plan I couldn't see. The season of despair and hopelessness was over, thank God. I had to take off my spiritual summer clothes during the winter season. I had to learn to operate in the right seasons of my life. You must do the same. Ask God to help you transit from one season to another. It's a new season. It's a new day. Let go of the past. It is a hindrance to your Now. We are in a new season. It's a season of enjoying God. It is a season of wealth. It is a season of healing. It is a season of a fresh anointing. It is a season of power. It is a season of favor. It is a season of miracles. It is a season of excellence. It is a season of soul winning. It is a season of refreshing. Embrace this season of joy. It is time to release all the hurt and pain. Those seasons are gone forever. Step into this new season God has waiting for you. He wants to supernaturally explode in your life. It's a new season!!! Don't miss yours!!!! Just a thought....

Monday, January 25, 2010


What do you do when things go wrong? This is a sermon my husband preached some years ago. He took his text from Isaiah 38 talking about King Hezekiah. Every time I go through sadness or hard times I think about how Hezekiah handled his situation. He prayed. Prayer is the key to any situation you are facing. I was very heart broken about my first cousin last week. Anytime you experience death it sends you on an emotional roller coaster. I miss my cousin a lot but I know he is in a better place. He was SAVED!!! I am praying for my whole family to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. We will all leave this earth sooner or later. The question remains where will you spend eternity???? Back to the sermon, my husband said, " when things go wrong we must turn our faces to the wall." Hezekiah cried out to God and God had mercy on him. We might not know the outcome of our prayers but we do know that God is able to turn every situation around. I don't know why He allowed my cousin to die this way. That's a question only God can answer. I do know that He loves my family and would never do anything to hurt us. But our enemy, the devil, hates us with a passion. He is the one we can blame for the majority of our hurt and pain. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus came to give us abundant life. (My cousin definitely has that abundant life now). Praise God!! I want to encourage all of us to never give up. We must keep the faith. God will bring us through our tough times. No matter what or how much it hurts, we need to continue to pray. He said in His Word that He would never leave us nor would He forsake us. That's a promise.!! Pray, prey, Pray. Just a thought....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 I hear this scripture quoted a lot in church. I often wonder do we really have faith in God like we say we do. We all say we believe in Him. We also say we know He is able to do anything but fail. But when trouble comes knocking on our door what do we do? Do we stand or do we give in? When I read the story in the Book of Daniel about the three Hebrew boys or Daniel in the lion's den, it builds my faith. Because we have all been in some tough situations that almost felt like the lion's den or the fiery furnace. Our faith is definitely tested during these times. Faith is more than just saying something. It is actually a lifestyle. We must really walk by faith and not by sight. The sense realm can mess you up. Just the thought of the fiery furnace will mess some of us up. Please don't talk about a lion's den.(ha!ha!) Some of us are not as bold in our faith as we should be. We need to stand up against the enemy. We need to stop cowering down to him. God gave us authority over him and his minions in Luke 10:19. We need to keep them on the run at all times. Faith wins every time we activate it. We need to show God that we trust Him and His Word. "If God be for us, who can be against us!" We win my sisters and brothers. Let's stand in faith and watch God bring us through any situation. Just a thought...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's next?

Have you ever wondered what will happen next in your life? This question often comes to me but never the answer. Do I go out and make things happen or do I sit around and wait on things to happen? Life, life, life!!! What happens next in YOUR life is totally up to you. Just a thought...