Just A Thought...

The purpose of my blog is to share a few of my thoughts with you. This idea came after having a deep discussion with my daughter one day. She felt that I had a gift worth sharing with you and suggested I start my own blog. So I'm not here to judge anyone or tell you how to live your life, I just want to give you something positive to think about in an attempt to uplift you while you may be going through. "May you live as long as you like and have all you like as long as you live." ~Anonymous

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A praise will do it every time

I often tell people when they are going through to praise God. Praising God is the answer because it invites God into the situation. He doesn't handle pity parties too well. He definitely hates the complaining. He wants us to praise Him. David tells us to bless the Lord at all times.(Psalm 34:1) I wanted to ask David what was he thinking. It is hard to praise God when everything around you is falling apart. Anybody can praise Him when things are going well. It takes a real trooper to praise in Him during the difficult times. But that is really when we need to praise Him the most. The greater the battle the greater the praise. Satan wants you focusing on the battle instead of on your Father. He despises your praise. He knows it is a weapon against him. He wants to keep you in bondage. He knows if you ever get a revelation of praise, it will bless your socks off. Praise is a bondage breaker. Look at the story of Leah in Genesis 29. Leah went through the bondage of hatred and rejection. Her husband, Jacob, did not love her nor did he choose her. Her father arranged the marriage through deceit. What a situation to be in? First of all, a marriage of deceit then bearing three children for a man with no love for her. Can you imagine her pain? She was devastated when she should have been celebrated. Jacob's heart never changed toward Leah even though she had him three sons. Leah had to do something different. She made a decision to praise her God. God always come through!! He rewarded her with a fourth son which she named Praise(Judah). What a gift! A gift called Praise. You have the same gift on the inside of you. Use is it the next time trouble comes your way. Let's learn from Leah. She was delivered through her praise. Praising God is one of the weapons needed to defeat the enemy. It opens the door for God to fight for us.(2Chronicles 20:21) Remember what I said earlier, a praise will do it every time!!! Less complaining and more praising. Just a thought...


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