Just A Thought...

The purpose of my blog is to share a few of my thoughts with you. This idea came after having a deep discussion with my daughter one day. She felt that I had a gift worth sharing with you and suggested I start my own blog. So I'm not here to judge anyone or tell you how to live your life, I just want to give you something positive to think about in an attempt to uplift you while you may be going through. "May you live as long as you like and have all you like as long as you live." ~Anonymous

Monday, January 25, 2010


What do you do when things go wrong? This is a sermon my husband preached some years ago. He took his text from Isaiah 38 talking about King Hezekiah. Every time I go through sadness or hard times I think about how Hezekiah handled his situation. He prayed. Prayer is the key to any situation you are facing. I was very heart broken about my first cousin last week. Anytime you experience death it sends you on an emotional roller coaster. I miss my cousin a lot but I know he is in a better place. He was SAVED!!! I am praying for my whole family to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. We will all leave this earth sooner or later. The question remains where will you spend eternity???? Back to the sermon, my husband said, " when things go wrong we must turn our faces to the wall." Hezekiah cried out to God and God had mercy on him. We might not know the outcome of our prayers but we do know that God is able to turn every situation around. I don't know why He allowed my cousin to die this way. That's a question only God can answer. I do know that He loves my family and would never do anything to hurt us. But our enemy, the devil, hates us with a passion. He is the one we can blame for the majority of our hurt and pain. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus came to give us abundant life. (My cousin definitely has that abundant life now). Praise God!! I want to encourage all of us to never give up. We must keep the faith. God will bring us through our tough times. No matter what or how much it hurts, we need to continue to pray. He said in His Word that He would never leave us nor would He forsake us. That's a promise.!! Pray, prey, Pray. Just a thought....


  • At January 28, 2010 at 6:28 AM , Blogger LaTanchila said...

    lol you are right, we are prey..........
    The enemy knows how to get to us.. he prey on things of our lives that we tend to love, in which the tender parts of our hearts.
    I refuse to live offended and allow him to get the glory off of my life of me being the prey..
    I am ready to make the devil mad at me. lol
    God knew my ma could take much more of what the devil kept trying to attack her with so he had mercy. So since the enemy took my love, now its time for me to take him... take him out of my life, take him out of my joy, take him out of me (every hinderance that is keeping me from the prize (salvation))


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