Just A Thought...

The purpose of my blog is to share a few of my thoughts with you. This idea came after having a deep discussion with my daughter one day. She felt that I had a gift worth sharing with you and suggested I start my own blog. So I'm not here to judge anyone or tell you how to live your life, I just want to give you something positive to think about in an attempt to uplift you while you may be going through. "May you live as long as you like and have all you like as long as you live." ~Anonymous

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ephesians 2

I got excited this morning during my prayer time with the Lord. He directed me to Ephesians 2. I have read this scripture so many times but this morning it exploded inside of me. I literally saw why the saints were not experiencing the true riches of God. I said to the Lord, we are missing the whole point of salvation. Paul said we are saved through grace. We don't deserve salvation no more than anyone else. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.(Ephesians 2:4-7) These scriptures blessed me this morning. They showed me a part of our Christian walk that we are totally missing. We have been raised up together with Christ. We are sitting with Christ in the heavenly places. He saved us to bless us. He has given us divine partnership in His kingdom. He wants us to work with Him. We were not saved by grace just to go to heaven. We were saved because God wants us to work with Him in saving the lost. He wants to show us His kindness. What a benefit for partnering with God. The people in the world will never change if they see us broke, busted, and disgusted. They have to see "how serving God" will benefit them. If you are sick, broke, life falling apart, and always having a bad day, guess what, the sinner will not serve your God. Operate like Jesus operated. Take thou authority. He gave us authority over the enemy. Luke 10:19 We have to value our partnership with Christ and obey His commands. He loves His children and wants the best for us. He wants to openly show us off to the world. Jesus was our example. God wants us to operate like Jesus did on the earth. He needs your cooperation to bless you so you can bless others. Accept the fact that you are seated with Him in the heavenly places. You have kingdom rights. Satan is defeated. YOU ARE BLESSED!!! Receive your blessings today. Christ and you are joint heirs. What Christ has and what he has done is what you have and what you should be doing. As He is, so are we in this world.(1John 4;17b) Get a revelation of Ephesians 2. Just a thought....


  • At February 1, 2010 at 8:20 AM , Blogger LaTanchila said...

    I had to read it Eph. for myself as well to get the understanding of what you where saying. That was good!
    I was resently taught BUT is used in the bible as cancellation... So here I read again, BUT GOD! I read this book before and my heart was lifted, But today..... must i say more.
    His Grace made it right for us.


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